Friday, December 11, 2009

Another NCC'er Reports on the War in Afghanistan

As a variation on the theme of last week's post, we have another article by an NCC'er--this time, Jeffrey Stern, the Center's International Engagement Manager. Stern Rights about Obama's plan for Afghanistan from a different perspective, that of its implications for the dispute between Pakistan and India. Check out Stern's article for Foreign Policy here

Friday, December 4, 2009

NCC Partner Reports on Afghanistan Surge for CNN

Nasim Fekrat was among the first partners the NCC worked with to launch our International Engagement Project. A young journalist, photographer, and blogger from Afghanistan, Nasim embodied the values the Center exists to promote. Nasim was a fellow at the Center's 2009 Peter Jennings Project, and is currently a full-time undergraduate student at Dickinson college. This week, he posted his take on President Obama's decision to increase the United States' presence in Afghanistan by 30,000 troops, which you can read here.